Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fun Flying

A nice, leisurely flight from the San Gabriel Valley over to the San Bernardino Valley ended up with two stops. First, we went to Redlands and checked on the progress of our favorite brewery, Hangar 24. They need about 30 more days before they will be bottling their beer. We'll be back. Then we hung out in the pilot's lounge and ended up talking to a guy named Eric. He was funny, interesting, knowedgeable and not at all full of himself. He flies Citations for Clay Lacy's place and has a Citabria. We picked his brain about routes for cross countries, airspace trivia, and more. He recommended we try the (fairly) newly renovated Manica-Mike's restaurant at Cable airport in Upland. So we did. Here's a picture of the place. Fun. Good food too.

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